Technology Plan for Basic English courses at Korean Universities


The following general assessment is a modified version of Thirteen Ed’s (n.d.) Technology Plan Template. It provides a general overview of the current situation and future goals for technology integration in the basic English Conversation classes.

Vision Statement:

To create a holistic learning environment with student-centered learning approaches in which multiple learning styles are both recognized and accommodated. This holistic environment will address academic, mental, and physical growth and development. Students will be prepared for employment, citizenship and life-long health and wellness. This will be realized through partnerships with parents and the larger community employing appropriate technology, internships and other resources to benefit and enhance student outcomes.

Mission Statement:

Basic English courses at the tertiary level will align with the Korean Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology’s (Major Tasks, n.d.) goals of developing a STEAM- based education system, serving to enhance and grow students’ communication skills with the enhancement of appropriate technologies.

Goals and Objectives:

Through technology, students will learn to employ tools that enhance communication, interact with global citizens and their perspectives, and gain preparation for the future through collaborative problem solving.

Download the Complete Plan:

HOGG Technology Plan for University

CN: My Vision for Education


The first step in preparing a needs assessment is to define your educational vision. Use your assignments from Unit 1 and consider all the relevant factors to create an educational technology vision for your classroom. (Remember that this vision statement should focus on education … technology is merely a way to improve the educational process. This being said, your vision is for a classroom of the 21st century, and therefore should reflect the role of technology that you envision).


McNabb, M., Valdez, G., Nowakowski, J., and Hawkes, M., (1999) Technology Connections For School Improvement: Planners’ Handbook. North Central Regional Educational Laboratory U.S. Department of Education.


Technology Planning: The Educator’s Guide:

  • should be forward-looking
  • should bridge present and future
  • should be the impetus for change



Vision Statement:

To create a holistic learning environment with student-centered learning approaches in which multiple learning styles are both recognized and accommodated. This holistic environment will address academic, mental, and physical growth and development. Students will be prepared for employment, citizenship and life-long health and wellness. This will be realized through partnerships with parents and the larger community employing appropriate technology, internships and other resources to benefit and enhance student outcomes.