Week 6 – The Set Up

In Week 2, you worked with your group to determine the type of tomato plant you would like to grow for this project.In subsequent weeks, we discussed optimal soil composition, and you selected the nutrients you will mix in your soil. We also considered the  optimal planting location for hanging your upside down tomato plant, specific to your individual growing environment. Last week, we reviewed the list of materials you will need, and you decided what type of container you will use for your plant, and how you will hang it.

This week we’re going to be setting up our planter, and planting our tomato plants. To get ready for this week’s class, review the information on the Set Up page. Be sure to watch the video posted on this page, which walks you through the process of setting up your planter.

Before Class

1. Read the Set Up page on this website. Watch the embedded video, and review the photos documenting the process of setting up a planter.

2. Answer questions #1 and #2 under Discussion Questions on the Set Up page by posting your comments at the bottom of the page.

3. Gather the materials you will need for setting the container you have chosen to use. Refer back to last week’s exercise for your complete list of materials needed. Be sure to bring these to class with you this week.

This week’s class

During this week’s class,we will be setting up our planters, preparing the soil, and planting our plants. I will be providing each of you with an individual plant, based on the tomato variety chosen by your group in Week 2. I will also provide you with soil, and the nutrients or fertilizers you have chosen to mix into your plant’s soil.

During the class, you are expected to document the set-up process through multimedia. You may choose to create photos or videos. An iPad cart will be available for individual use, but you may choose to use your own digital cameras, camcorders, mobile phones, or tablets, if you prefer. Remember, the photos and videos you capture now will be used in your final project presentation, so I encourage you to document the process as much as possible.

After class

1.Bring your plant home, and hang or suspend it in the location you have chosen. Be sure to take some photos, or video showing the plant’s location.

2. To complete this week’s assignment, you will require access to the internet, and you may choose to use additional photo or video processing software, though that is not a requirement. iPads are available for signing out this week. Let me know before the end of class if you would like to borrow one.

3. Process the photos and videos you have captured. Feel free to edit, crop them, or apply photo filters, a you see fit. Upload any videos to your Youtube channel, and use the website’s media library, or a third party photo sharing service such as Flickr or Picassa to post your photos online. Your photos and videos must be accessible online prior to next week’s class. We will spend the following class in the computer lab, creating a multimedia journal entry, while learning some basic web design and layout principles.


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