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Ethical Dilemmas: Acceptable Use of School Computers Policy

The following assignment has been done with students in Broad Based Technology, but it could be completed with any class that uses school technology on a regular basis.

Before doing this assignment, you will need to review and discuss the policy on acceptable use of technology/computers.

You will also need to have a basic discussion on ethics and how some situations may be more serious than others and how a student may react differently to a situation than a teacher, depending on their viewpoints.

The assignment gives students the opportunity to consider how they may react differently if they were in a different role, or if they would react the same regardless of their role.

The assignment can be very helpful to set the tone for the class and what is expected of them when it comes to using technology. It can also “buy some time” the first or second week of classes as sometimes there are glitches and issues with technology before your classes can fully utilize the computers/school network. The role play activity can also help break the ice if students are just getting to know each other.

Suggestion: Upon completion of this assignment, you could have students create an awareness video, podcast or slideshow presentation highlighting why these guidelines are important.

Grade 9/10 Broad Based Technology Curriculum Outcomes: Apply positive, safe and ethical behaviours when using ICT.

Google Drive/Docs Format (if you use Google Drive, use the link below to access this assignment in Google Drive where you can make your own online copy)
Access a copy of the Assignment in Google Drive

Ms Word or Rich Text Format (download the assignment in either format to your computer using the links below)

Google Drive: Using Google Forms

The video below explores some ways you can use Google Drive’s Form feature in the classroom. The additional resource links mentioned in the video are:

How to Publish a Quiz Using Google Docs
81 Interesting Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom
