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Monthly Archives: November 2013

Ethical Dilemmas: Acceptable Use of School Computers Policy

The following assignment has been done with students in Broad Based Technology, but it could be completed with any class that uses school technology on a regular basis.

Before doing this assignment, you will need to review and discuss the policy on acceptable use of technology/computers.

You will also need to have a basic discussion on ethics and how some situations may be more serious than others and how a student may react differently to a situation than a teacher, depending on their viewpoints.

The assignment gives students the opportunity to consider how they may react differently if they were in a different role, or if they would react the same regardless of their role.

The assignment can be very helpful to set the tone for the class and what is expected of them when it comes to using technology. It can also “buy some time” the first or second week of classes as sometimes there are glitches and issues with technology before your classes can fully utilize the computers/school network. The role play activity can also help break the ice if students are just getting to know each other.

Suggestion: Upon completion of this assignment, you could have students create an awareness video, podcast or slideshow presentation highlighting why these guidelines are important.

Grade 9/10 Broad Based Technology Curriculum Outcomes: Apply positive, safe and ethical behaviours when using ICT.

Google Drive/Docs Format (if you use Google Drive, use the link below to access this assignment in Google Drive where you can make your own online copy)
Access a copy of the Assignment in Google Drive

Ms Word or Rich Text Format (download the assignment in either format to your computer using the links below)

Ancient History (Egypt Research Assignment)

Below are links to a concluding research assignment for the study of Ancient Egypt in History 10.

NOTE: At the beginning of the study, students discussed and brainstormed what they knew and what they wanted to know about Ancient Egypt, so at the end of the study they could revisit that class discussion and consider topics we did not explore or topics they want to explore further.

The link below is for teachers who use Google Drive as they can then make their own copy of the assignment and tweak and change it for their learning environment.
Google Docs Link to Exploring Ancient Egypt Research Assignment

If you do not use Google Drive, the assignment is also available in MS Word:

And in rich text format:

Curriculum Outcomes: Depending on the topics chosen and explored, this assignment can meet outcomes on geographic factors, government structures, role of religion or law, social structures, technological innovations, or the role of writing.

Google Drive: Using Google Forms

The video below explores some ways you can use Google Drive’s Form feature in the classroom. The additional resource links mentioned in the video are:

How to Publish a Quiz Using Google Docs
81 Interesting Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom


Gr. 8 Social Studies – NB Project

Grade: 8

Subject: Social Studies

NB Curriculum Outcome:  1.2 The student will be expected to describe the area, size, and physical features of Atlantic Canada

Time: 2-3, 45 min. classes (excluding any presentation time)

This is a project intended to further students’knowledge of the province they live in and touches on the outcome listed above. It is designed with UDL (Universal Design for Learning) in mind. Students are given a list of features they are to explain/describe about New Brunswick.  They are then presented with a variety of choices of presentation formats to display what they have learned.

NB Project

Gr. 6 Math – Decimals – ‘Dry-Erase’ Place Value Chart

Grade: 6

Subject: Math

NB Curriculum outcome:  GCO: Number (N): Develop number sense (http://www.gnb.ca/0000/publications/curric/Mathematics_NB_Curriculum_Grade_6.pdf)

SCO: N1: Demonstrate an understanding of place value for numbers:

greater than one million less than one thousandth.

Text: Math Makes Sense 6 (Pearson)

Lesson 3.1 – ‘Numbers to Thousandths and Beyond’ – Pages 89-91

The attached place value chart is a great asset while teaching decimals.  Place a class set of charts in sheet protectors and have a set of dry erase markers to hand out.  While students are working on questions in which a place value chart would aid them, allow them to work questions out on the ‘dry-erase chart’.



Sample Entry

This is the text body of the sample entry. This is where relevant information will go.

This article is in the “Grade 4” and “Language Arts” categories. It has the tags “spelling” and “lesson plan.”

You can add images or files. This blue link for “Alberta” will lead to a downloadable PDF file for a knit sweater vest pattern.

You can add Youtube videos directly into the text body. Just paste the link address into the text body. You don’t need to add media or anything special; just paste the address in directly. Below is the rendering of a video URL (the thing that starts with http://) completed automatically by WordPress:


Then you can just keep writing below it. This embedding technique of copying and pasting URLs into the text body works for a lot of popular websites. You can see a list on the WordPress Help page for embeds.